13 of My Favorite Things

Ello lovelies! I’m back! (For today at least). It’s been a hectic semester, but it has been full of so many blessings and adventures, including swing dancing at midnight, dressing as a hippie, Bible studies done on the floor, playing the role of “bad cop” in a one-act play, watching ASL short films with my roommate, and learning that my hair is naturally curly. It feels so short and yet so long.
All that to say, I’m sorry I haven’t posted in forever, and I’m happy to be back. Today, I have a list of 13 of my favorite things ….
1. Deaf First Dates (Short Fim)
I stayed up way too late watching this (twice!) with my roommate one night. It is absolutely adorable and only 7 minutes long. Aaanndd it’s free on YouTube, so there you go. You have no excuses not to watch it. So watch it.
2. I’ll Follow You – Shinedown
Due to a bit of language, and other content, I can’t universally recommend Shinedown, but nevertheless, I’ve been listening to this song basically on repeat and I want it noted. (Also, Second Chance and Call Me are really good songs).
3. Candy Corn
Do I really need to say anything else here? It’s my seasonal addiction (just ask my roommate).
4. All My Friends Are Strangers – DoubleCamp
So, being a very broke (and sometimes bored) college kid, I went to a free concert because my friend wanted to go. I was skeptical at first, because DoubleCamp sounded like a combination of Twenty One Pilots and new country. But by the end of the concert, I was a fan. All My Friends Are Strangers is by far my favorite (with Think of You as a close second). I don’t know why they’re not more popular.
5. Rain
I am mildly miffed that I missed the last rain storm we had. I was in class, in a room without windows (but a great deal of mirrors), so I heard the rain but didn’t get to see it. Then, it had the nerve to turn into blue skies and sunshine and wreak my black-tea-and-Edgar-Allan-Poe vibes. It was like two weeks ago but I’m still upset. (Yes, it’s currently raining, but shh…).
6. Swing Dancing

This semester, I tried swing dancing for the first time. And, uncoordinated and awkward as I am, I’ve gotten decent at it. It’s so much fun! 10/10 recommend.
7. The Pumpkin Spice Cold Brew from Starbucks

I blame Starbucks for the fact that I’m usually broke (and Walmart, but that’s a different story…), but it’s really good. At the moment, my favorite drink is the pumpkin spice cold brew. It’s caffinated, and the foam stuff on the top is amazing. Also, my friend doesn’t like it, so I don’t have to worry about her stealing it. Nevermind the fact that I still steal her drink.
8. The Gospel of Mark
In my daily Bible class, we’ve been going through the book of Mark for a good chunk of the semester, and I’ve fallen in love with this short and (I feel like) slightly underrated gospel. There’s so much good stuff in it. Did you know that Mark is the only gospel author to state that the grass was green at the feeding of the 5,000? We’ve gone really slow through it, and have had some really good discussions. So if you’re at a loss of what to read, I highly suggest Mark.
9. Katie Emmerson’s YouTube Channel
My current favorite YouTuber is Katie Emmerson. She’s very real, funny, and such a strong Christian. I absolutely adore her rant videos, such as “What The Church Is Getting Wrong About Purity” and “Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos”| My Response. Her relationship advice videos are really good, btw. You should go check her channel out.
10. Hippie Pants From Walmart
As shameful as it is, I once spent $60 at Walmart on clothes and ice cream. But one of the items I got was these really comfortable, colorful, marbled, bell-bottom hippie pants. They were like six bucks and are the most amazing things: they’re basically fancy pajamas that you can wear to class and look good in.
11. Boundaries by Henry Cloud and John Townsend
I’ve only read 2-3 chapters, and already, this book is so good and has made me see things differently. I really appreciate the fact that it’s written from a Biblical perspective, and therefore relates Scripture to the principles in the book, and even talks about how God has boundaries. This is one library book that I actually want to finish before I return it.
12. Dear Younger Me, God Isn’t Mad At You by Bethany Rose (Wilting Rose Ministries)
This article is so, so good. I can’t explain how amazing it is. Just read it here. The section titled “Am I Trusting Enough Yet?” speaks especially deeply to me, because I’ve struggled with believing “enough” for a good while (and still do at times).
13. How Modesty Changed My Life by Sarah Grace Burns
Modesty is a topic that can quickly get heated, with your uber-consevatives (women shouldn’t wear pants, etc) on one side and the “it-doesn’t-matter-what-I-wear” liberals on the other. This article provides a very balanced approach. It’s similar to Katie Emmerson’s video on purity in the sense that what we do (or don’t do) should be directed by our relationship with Christ, not legalistic rules or “for men.”
Anyways, you can read her post here.
Well, thanks for putting up with me this far, and for stopping by my blog. 😊. I hope you have a blessed weekend. Feel free to fangirl/ramble/shout about all your favorite things in the comments.
Until next time,
Rebekkah W.
Fun post! I'll need to check out Deaf First Dates--I'm fascinated with Deaf culture! Rain is also wonderful, but I'm not complaining that it's not currently raining where I am...it rains a lot harder here than it does where I'm from, which blindsides me every time, for some reason. Swing dancing is so fun! My dorm has a weekly swing dancing club, which I really should go to more often...
Thanks! Deaf culture is really cool: I'm no expert, but since my roommate is getting her ASL certificate, I've got to learn more about it. I absolutely adore swing dancing! You should go...